Not quite often song lyrics cause strong reactions, especially in Eurovision. Mikko Pohjola's Sängyn reunalla, a story about unfaithful people and feelings it causes in the people involved is however one. Many of you non Finnish speakers have wondered what it really says after the UMK judge Toni Wirtanen said he was feeling uncomfortable and would like walk to the stage and kick Mikko's ass adding he surely wouldn't like to be the man who's footprints depressions are in the bedroom carpet... Here are the lyrics liberally translated by yours truly. What do you think?
kuvat kehyksissä käännettyinä
vanhat oppikirjat pitää kukkaa
Älä huolehdi
sä sanot ja työnnät itses kiinni
Lähelle päästänkin
mutta tää on tilapäistä, sä et jää
mun viereeni
Kuinka tämän saamme loppumaan?
Se ois helpompaa jos kiinni jäätäisiin
Luokses palaan aina uudestaan
enkä sänkys reunalta osaa kääntyy
kotiin, kotiin
Matto sängyn reunalla
sovittelen jalkani sen kahteen
Oon jonkun paikalla
miehen, jonka tyynyllä nyt etsin unta
etsin unta
In the bedroom
photoframes turned down on the table
In the windowsill
old schoolbooks keep a flower upright
Don't you worry
you say and push yourself close to me
And I let you come close
but this is temporary, you won't stay
by my side
How can we put an end to this?
It would be easier if we got caught
I come back to you over and over again
and don't know how to turn back home
from the edge of your bed
turn back home
A carpet by the bed
I try my feet in the two footstep
I'm in the place of someone else
Can't fall asleep in the pillow of
another man
I can't fall asleep