The hird consegutive SuperWeekend in the Eurovision world. On Satuday Sanremo comes to and end and Iceland has its final. Lithuania has its song final. Estonia, Sweden, Finland, Hungary continue their semifinals. Then on Sunday Serbia has its final and Latvia its semifinal. Seems like a survival game for an Eurovision fan with hard decisions to make as most shows are at the same time, too. Of course!
Saturday February 14, 2015
Italy - Il Festival di Sanremo - FINAL
Iceland - Söngvakeppni Sjónvarpsis - FINAL
Finland - #umk15 - Semifinal two
Sweden - Melodifestivalen - Semifinal two
Estonia - Eesti laul - Semifinal two
Lithuania - Eurovizijos - Song final
Hungary - A Dal - Semifinal one
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Latvia - Supernova - Semifinal
20.20 CET - Watch here - Read more here (coming soon)