Sandhja is 24 half Finn-half Indian from Guyana in South America. She's already been loved by the critics but her music has remained marginal so far so for her this is a way to make herself known to the masses. Even to those who might know her but didn't know she's a Finn with a Finnish music team behind her. he never studied music but wrote poems that turned into songs. She met a procuder when she was 18, at 21 she got a recording deal and now she's here. She's a storyteller and one of her songs Ladaria tells about her greatgrandmother who worked long days at sugar cane plantage, had 11 children and still managed to go out and party every weekend. The same energy seems to run in greatgranddaughter... Sandhja's familly, especially aunts are huge Eurovision fans so she'd be thrilled to represent Finland.
Blogilkar: This was quite awesome first; loved the arrangement with horns and stuff. She's great.... Then Barei and Say yay in Spain happened. If Finns sent this they would be easily compared and I'm afraid Barei wins that battle hands down for many reasons. Sad and unfortunately coincidence. 4/5
Jack: This song is very mainstream but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I could see Sandhja's song being played on the radio here in the UK and it could be an international hit. It seems to have slipped under everyone's radar but I really like it and I hope she does well. 4/5
Peter: Another manufactured song, aiming to mimic that imaginary winning template… but it's just not strong enough 3/5
Robert: Immediately I hear Sandhja has a great voice. Catchy chorus. Overall a decent song but it doesn't blow me away 3/5