For some reason I just couldn't be bothered to do the usual own personal ranking and review this year so I put the together a very own demoscopic jury of friends and relatives instead, that can be divided in three categories: pre-teens, 20/30somethings and 40/50somethings. They got together in separate gatherings in different cities over the week and here are the results!
All the comments are personal views of one or more reviewers and are ment to hurt no one. Especially the artists in question or the songwriters. Anyone's personal tastes cannot be disputed.
The points are the average in scale 1 to 10.
31. NORWAY 4,2
"Boyband energy and innocent clear voice"
"The rhythm is too fast for this somehow"
"What IS this look about?!"
32. RUSSIA 3,8
"I like the fact this comes from Russia for the things she represents! Equality and female power!"
"The Russian folklore part is fabulous!"
"Video makes no sense with all movie references that have nothing to do with the fact he only wants to get laid"
"Quite groovy"
34. POLAND 3,5
"I can't get any contact to this song, or him, thanks to those sunglasses"
35. MOLDOVA 3,3
"The video is gross and if she tries to be sexy she fails big time!"
"Poor man's Ava Max. She isn't even singing that much, is she? Can she sing live?"
36. ALBANIA 3,3
"Yet another flashing moment. Ridiculous effects in the video."
"Dreary Balcan lady with big voice"
"Beautiful hair!"
37. LATVIA 3,2
"This sounds like a low quality demo. I can see her underpants!"
"She gives an expression of a school bully"
38. SLOVENIA 2,7
"Choir and gospel vibe is great, the rest a Disney nothingness"
39. AUSTRIA 2,5
"WTF was that video all about?"
"Gets a bit better towards the end though"