First, most every song sounded better live than on record, and the artists sung reasonably well and the comparasion to last night's French semi-final was striking where most everyone was showcasing shaky vocals, bad mixing and general worse than on studio performances. There were a couple Pastora Soler wannabes and one Alvaro Soler one, and one Famous showcasing Carola-like determination to make it and come across the screen making televoters to vote him out of fear. (They didn't). And a big favorite who didn't want to win and showed it in her performance bit too clearly.
Last year's Alfred made an appearence but no sight of Amaia. Eleni came instead and showed once again how to make that hair fly....
And in the end Spanish televoters didn't the right choice: Miki's Alvarosoleresque La venda won over overrated and IdontwanttogotoIsrael-Maria's Muerdeme. With a better remix and fixed staging Spain may have a real chance this year! Miki Núñez Pozo is 22 and from Barcelona and vocalist in a Catalan band Dalton Bang. He has also studied business in Los Angeles and London.
Miki - La Venda 34%
María - Muérdeme 22%
Miki y Natalia - Nadie Se Salva 14%
Noelia - Hoy Vuelvo A Reir Otra Vez 7%
Natalia - La Clave 6%
Marilia - Todo Bien 6%
Famous - No puedo más 5%
Julia - Qué quieres que haga 3%
Sabela - Hoy Soñaré 2%
Carlos Right - Se Te Nota !%