RAI has finally confirmed moments ago, that the Sanremo 2016 winner will go also for the Eurovision song contest 2016 in Stockholm for Italy. Or rather, like this year the winner has the right to accept the offer. Otherwise RAI's team will select someone else who is willing to go to Stockholm. Now waiting for the artists list for the next festival got just a bit more interesting and exciting....
Also, Eurovision will move from Rai2 channel to Rai1! This will be the first time since 1991 when Italy hosted the contest in Rome that Eurovision will be on Rai1 live! This is big news and a sign that RAI is finally considering Eurovision a major show and not only a minor necessity to broadcast.
Also, Eurovision will move from Rai2 channel to Rai1! This will be the first time since 1991 when Italy hosted the contest in Rome that Eurovision will be on Rai1 live! This is big news and a sign that RAI is finally considering Eurovision a major show and not only a minor necessity to broadcast.