Sanremo Giovani returns to Treatro Ariston next February after one year's absence when only two tickets were given to the festival, but among the Big and the rest is history. Mahmood won it all. That won't happen again next year.
Now it's back to basics and the youngsters compete among themselves and have to wait at least a year to make it among the Big, like Francesco Gabbani and Ermal Meta in recent years. Out of the names below, 20 will be selected in live auditions to perform in television in Marco Liorni's show Italia Sí. The 20 will become first 10, then five. The five chosen ones will meet in Sanremo the two from AreaSanremo selection, and one from Sanremo Young, or the winner 15-year-old Tecla Insolia.
Among the names several familiar names from various talent shows or previous editions: Federica Abbate, and Giulia Mutti with Icaro aka Antonello Carozza. Leo Gassman, Matteo Costanzo and Nico Arezzo already have X Factor experience, while Samuel Pietrasanta Voice of Italy, and of course there are Amici ones: YaMatt, Jefeo, Federico Baroni, Michele Merlo and Thomas.
These 65 made it through the 842 applicantions, a new record.
Below are some songs by the artists and it seems male artists dominate again and there's way too many simil rappers with vocoders around.... I suspect they will drop out once they have to perform live in front of the jury.... However, there are some interesting new names to look out for, but more of them later.
Update 24.10: Three songs/artists have been disqualified as their songs have been released publicly too ealry etc. They have been replaced by three new entries.Below are some songs by the artists and it seems male artists dominate again and there's way too many simil rappers with vocoders around.... I suspect they will drop out once they have to perform live in front of the jury.... However, there are some interesting new names to look out for, but more of them later.
YaMatt – Desideri Disq.
I Tristi – L’ultima notte dell’anno
Fadi – Due noi
Federica Abbate – I sogni prima di dormire
Nico Arezzo – Volo
Loren – Stendhal
Manuel Finotti – Inshallah
Réclame – Il viaggio di ritorno
Devil A – Disordine
Fasma – Per sentirmi vivo
Leo Gassmann – Va bene così
Giulia Mutti – Romanzo Cattivo
Jefeo – Un due tre stella
Ainè – Van Gogh
Iostoconpaolo – Io sono Paolo
Libero – La casa del vento
Simona Severini – Una cosa bella
Shari – Stella
Cobalto – Glover
Calma – Labbra & Winston
Richi Sweet – Dedicata a me
Five and fist – Prima di te
Chico – Con me
Avincola – Un rider
Caponetti – Batman Autogrill
Mose – Hai mai
Federico Baroni – Psycho Love
Le Larve – Piove
Cristina Cafiero – In punta di piedi
Liberementi – Laurearmi in felicità
Nova – Resta
Samuel Pietrasanta – E dove sarai tu
Matteo Costanzo – La giusta distanza
Michele Merlo – Vorrei proteggerti dal mondo
Epicoco – Da quando mi hai detto di sì
Moonage – Portogallo
Blindur – Eclisse
Le radici – Mi basterebbe il tuo nome
Filo Vals – Lunedì
Puritano – La storia della vita mia
Lucky&Strike – Sangue & Rossetti
Icaro – Via
WakeUpCall – Tu non ascolti mai
Miki – E’ tutto un bla bla bla
Mike Baker – Stupido
Leonardo De Andreis – Rivelazione
Seba – Davide contro golia
Marko – Vivrò per te
Thomas – Ne 80
Revman – San Michele il poliziotto
Roberta Finocchiaro – L’anima è l’unica chiave
Idem – Non me ne frega un ca
Marco Sentieri – Billy Blu
Raim – Labirinto
Gavio – La mia generazione
Patrizio Santo – L’estate a dicembre
Filippo Ruggieri – Ah Paolè! Disq.
Eugenio in via di gioia – Tsunami
Easy Funk – Sognare è gratis
Manitoba – Ci divertiamo
Manuel Moscatti – Dimentica
Bizzarro – Parla solo con me
Leonardo Tomarelli – Ne ho bisogno Disq.
Madda – La mia stanza
Alessandro Coli – Paranoia
New entrties:
Camille Cabaltera - Amore corrisposto
Enrico Nadai - Margherita
Ophelia - Cpraggio
New entrties:
Camille Cabaltera - Amore corrisposto
Ophelia - Cpraggio