Iceland continues tonight with the second semifinal of Söngvakeppni sjónvarpsins, and again three entries will make it to the final next week. There are both Icelandic and English versions of the songs available and they are mostly very lovely again. Iceland is clearly one of my favorite national selections this year, and to be honest the apparently fan favorite Svala may be my least favorite out of these six... But let's see what the Icelandic send to the final and then comment the entries more.....
Aron Brink – Þú hefur dáleitt mig / Hypnotized
Daði Freyr Pétursson – Hvað með það? /Is this love
Svala Björgvinsdóttir – Ég veit það’ / Paper
Sólveig Ásgeirsdóttir – Treystu á mig / Trust in me