Sweden scores a win in the OGAE Second Chance contest for the 16th time and it all makes it a bit boring really, don't you agree? Even if Anna Bergendahl with Kingdom come is a worthy winner and Finland's Erika Vikman and Italy's Elodie are the best possible runner ups in my opinion. Even more so as even if I like Anna a lot, this wasn't her best effort I think. Let's put it this way: the top-3 was my favorite, too, but the order could have been a bit different.
The results:
1. Sweden - Anna Bergendahl - Kingdom come 344
2. Finland - Erika Vikman - Cicciolina 302
3. Italy - Elodie - Andromeda 253
4. Albania - Elvana Gjata - Me tana 230
5. Norway - Rein Alexander - One last time 158
6. Denmark - Jasmine Rose feat. Roxorloops - Human 149
7. Ukraine - Khayat - Call for love 118
8. Romania - Roxen - Cherry red 113
9. Lithunia - Monique - Make me human 98
10. Croatia - Indira Levak - You will never break my heart 92
11. Israel - Eden Alene - Roots 82
12. Bàrbara Tinoco - Passe-partout 62
13. Poland - Lake Malawi - Lucy 51
14. Estonia - Jaagup Tuisk - Beautiful lie 47
15. Czech Republic - Elis Mraz & Cis T - Wanna be like 44
16. Serbia - Andrija Jo - Oc i meduze 42
17. OGAE ROW (San Marino) - Senhit - Obsessed 40
18. Australia - Jaguar Jonze - Rabbit hole 24
19. Latvia - Katrina Dimanta - Heartbeats 9
20. Iceland - Dimma - Almyrkvi 4
21. Slovenia - Lina Kuduzovic - Man like you 0
21. Armenia - TokioNine - Save me 0