Carola. A household name in Sweden (and not only). Each and everyone has an opinion about her. She doesn't need a surname. She has given a face and more to Christian people. A voice, a body and a little bit rock'n roll. Andreas Ekström and Johanna Koljonen try to find the truth behind the woman but it doesn't work. The divas can't be explained. So the book turns into a declaration of love, whether they want or not. After all they are fans. It doesn't mean it doesn't have analytic quality. It does. And it's easy and fun to read and deeply serious. Carola is far from politically correct especially in sexual matters, sometimes a real blond in what she lets out of her mouth. She is hated and loved at the same time, both by schlager audience and gays alike - despite all. After all she has the voice and the energy that sets her apart.
The book doesn't answer the questions around the enigma called Carola but it does make the reader think what it is that makes her so special, makes us feel so strongly about her in a way or another? Why it makes us look back in our youth with a surprise and realize we were fans? And still are whether we want or not. Anyone who says he's not interested in Carola is lying. The book tries to find out what she means to Christians and to gays and what's behind that intense gaze she has at times? Is she a Christian singer who has had some less divine success in the profane world or the other way around? The mystery remains....