France's mission in Eurovision 2010 was rather than winning to score a megasummerhit and at least that's done in France, it seems, as Allez ola olé hits number one in the Top-100. That's the first time since 1984 (since the charts have been counted the same way and therefor usable) a French Eurovision song goes to number one. Both Je n'ai que mon ame (2001) and White and black blues (1990) went to number two. And that's for the pysical single that debuted in France last week at #11 and went to #1 in the second week. And as the football world cup is starting next week it's easy to predict song's success will just continue et voilá here's our summerhit!
Meanwhile the digital single is in Top-5 on iTunes in Germany, Greece, Luxembourg and Finland, and in Top-10 also in Norway and Belgium. Pretty good for a French entry and considering the huge success of another Big4 country (and winner) Germany no one can blame anymore that they can't do well for whoknowswhatridiculousreasons as all you need is a good song and interesting act - just like all the other ones!