Il Volo has truly taken a flight again. After their Italian and American tour they will hit Europe.....
The Italian tour is in its midway and mostly sold out success. Where is Måns performing? Or Polina, Loreen...?
6.1 Roseto degli Abruzzi
8.1 Ancona
9.1 Padova
12.1 Livorno
15.1 Firenze
16.1 Roma
20.1 Caserta
21.1 Bari
23.1 Acireale
26.1 Bologna
27.1 Torino
29.1 Milano
USA and Canada
5.2 Buffalo, NY
7.2 Orillia, ON (Canada)
9.2 Montrela, QC (Canada)
10.2 Boston, MA
12.2 Wallingford, CT
13.2 Atlantic City, NJ
16.2 Albany, NY
17.2 New York, NY
19.2 Washington, DC
21.2 Easton, PA
23.2 Hershley, PA
24.2 Cleveland, OH
26.2 Chicago, IL
27.2 Detroit, MI
1.3 Nashville, TN
3.3 Jackson ville, FL
5.3 Miami, FL
6.3 Tampa, FL
8.3 Fort Myers, FL
10.3 Orlando, FL
11.3 Atlanta, GA
14.3 New Orleans, LA
17.3 San Antonio, TX
19.3 Dallas, TX
20.3 Oklohoma City, OK
22.2 Denver, CO
24.3 Mesa, AZ
25.3 Las Vegas, NV
26.3 Los Angeles, CA
29.3 San Jose, CA
30.3 San Diego, CA
1.4 Temacula, CA
Europe and Russia
21.5 Madrid (Spain)
23.5 Luzern (Switzerland)
26.5 Bruxelles (Belgium)
27.5 Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
29.5 Paris (France)
3.6 London (UK)
7.6 St.Petersburg (Russia)
8.6 Moscow (Russia)
10.6 Kazan (Russia)
12.6 Krasnodar (Russia)
14.6 Frankfurt (Germany)
18.6 Wien (Austria)