While the winner Softengine is still working on their debut album and is about to release their new single Yellow house shortly, the girls of MIAU have come out with their debut album Trinity. Ten songs including of course their 3rd placed God/Drug.
Jasmin Michaela's new single is called Irtokarkkeja following Kertakäyttösydän. Clarissa is out with Lies, following her duet with Josh Standing in Top of the world. Oh, and Madcraft is out with Never had the guts, too. Let's not forget Mikko Pohjola being featured in Jannika B's Sateen rummut while waiting for his new album including of course Sängyn reunalla.
Hukka ja Mama are also working on their debut album with Selja. And Lili Lambert has released this fabulous music video for her Let me take you there. Hanna Sky has released a follow up single, too, Softer rain. Lauri Mikkola has been busy with various live shows but it's worth remembering his appearance in Elastinen's Uus. Even Josh Standing is working on some new music with his new hairdo.
It's been a very productive UMK this year, seems like only Dennis Fagerstöm and MAKEA have vanished from the scene.....