Namely in Sicily, Monsignor Staglianò, Bishop of Noto has become a Youtube sensation after using Marco Mengoni's latest single Essere umani (Being human) and his Eurovision entry L'Essenziale (Essential) as well as Noemi's Vuoto a perdere (Emptiness to lose) and Mengoni's Guerriero (Warrior) to reach the young people and explain them facts of life. Or the emptiness of it today. And indeed the lyrics are very fitting when taking out of the song context. Noemi's song goes:
"Sono un'altra da me stessa, sono un vuoto a perdere.
Sono diventata grande senza neanche accorgermene"
"I am different from myself, I'm emptiness to lose.
I have become grown up without even realizing it."
The bishop insisted on emptiness of life and warned young people to find themselves bypassing the fashions of the hypermarket, where people only look at you if you have the money and not the heart.
and Mengoni's L'Essenziale:
"Mentre il mondo cade a pezzi io compongo nuovi spazi e desideri...".
"As the world falls to pieces I compose new spaces and desires ..."
The bishop says, addressing the faithful who applaud him, he must cite songs to make things understandable, otherwise we do not understand anything. If we sing, you understand things. He adds: "Love can become an empty word, stupid, only heart can fill in the words of their human content. Essere umani (Being Human):
"Oggi la gente ti giudica, per quale immagine hai.
Vede soltanto le maschere, e non sa nemmeno chi sei.
Devi mostrarti invincibile, collezionare trofei.
Ma quando piangi in silenzio, scopri davvero chi sei."
"Today people judge you, for which image you have.
Sees only masks, and not even know who you are.
You must show yourself invincible, collect trophies.
But when you cry in silence, you really discover who you are."
"See how Mengoni steals the themes of my sermons?" he says jokingly.
Of course some narrow minded people are not happy at all, but the young people seem to approve. And without taking any sides on religious matters this blogger thinks this initiative is a positive one. Like Staglianò says, the songs help get the message, if one is willing to get it. For the rest of us, they still remain just what they are: great songs with great lyrics.
Happy Easter everyone!