Finally some concret names in the rumor mills. Israel shortly confirmed its presence in the Eurovision song contest 2015 in Vienna - even though there seem to be some minor issues to be sorted out before they can make it happen, like the very existance of IBA come May 2015 - and that the selection would be done internally by radio station Radio 88FM. It didn't take them long to come out with a name, by no means a new one when it comes to Eurovision gossiping: Marina Maximilian Blumin (27). This jazzy singer of Russian origin came second to Boaz Mauda in a talent show and since then caused some eyebrows by not doing the military service, a fact that played against her in the past and propably will do so this time again. Her songs include Maurin, Tango and Silence.
The second choice is Ester Rada, an Ethiopian born singer currently working on her debut album. he's also doing ethno-jazz mixing Israeli music with her Ethiopian heritage. Her songs include Life happens, Could it be and No more.
It looks like Israel is really going the other way after these two ladies with a very un-Eurovision sound. And it only gets better: The third in line, and this blogger's instant favorite is Asaf Avidan (34). He already had an international hit with One day/Reckoning song and managed to silence Sanremo's Teatro Ariston totally during his performance in 2013 and then get a standing ovation for it and a reprise was demanded before he was let off the stage. A voice to remember, stage presence and a name that is somewhat known already - would that be a key to success in Vienna? His other songs include Different pulses and Love it or leave it. It'd be great to see him next May in Vienna....