Good news from Daniel Kajmakoski's website:
Well done, Daniel!
Daniel had a visit and meeting with the general manager of the Children’s Hospital in Skopje, doctor Aspazija Sofijanova.
As part of the eurovision campaign 2015, macedonian representative Daniel Kajmakoski and his team decided to donate the funds for printed and hard copy promo material. Instead of posters, notebooks, t-shirts and other type of promo material – the funds were located to donation worth 17,700 eur at the Intensive Care unit at the Children Hospital in Skopje. The donation process is completed with the delivery of the respiratory machine (Babylog 8000 plus, manufacturer company Dreger).
“We thank infinitely Daniel’s donation, and it turned out that not only has a beautiful voice but also has beautiful soul. The unit will help us to struggle for the health of many children who are coming in our hospital. ” – said doctor Aspazija Sofijanova.
Well done, Daniel!