Today ORF let us see the art work for the sublogo for the 2015 Eurovision song contest to match with the chosen slogan "Building Bridges". The slogan may not be the most innotative ever but if you take it with more imagination, as bridge between east and west, south and north as Vienna sits nicely in the middle of Europe it makes more sense. This blogger isn't exactly over the moon for it as it reminds the Oslo 2010 one, that I found the most unusable one ever in my work..... But who knows, once we get to see more example than this one black one....
The official Eurovision website writes:
The theme art work's use of spheres and its wave-shape symbolises being united as well as diversity. The colours reflect the individualism and at the same time building musical bridges, the diversity of the artists, variety of songs and also the diverse audience.
"It is a great logo, a strong sign with recognition value and endless possibilities," says Jon Ola Sand, Executive Supervisor of the contest on behalf of the European Broadcasting Union.