The Big5 first rehearsals continue with top-3 favorite France and very much underrated Italy....
Ermal and Fabrizio go separate ways to the bridges towards the end of the song to end up in the catwalk before ending the song mid stage in a manly hug while screen graphics deliver the message of the song. Thankfully reviewers say it's less angry - my biggest concern for the live performance -, well performed and more powerful. Great energy even if they stand still most of the performance. Some problems still positioning the screen text so they don't cover their faces (half screen a face, half screen the text). Maybe it's time the boys in the bubble wake up and see how good this is? It seems the guys have gotten a bit emotional themselves <3 p="">
Vocally good, but mixeed reviews about the staging. Being one of the top favorites who knows what the boys in the bubble expected. The signature hand gesture plays a major role and without audience looks a bit weird but will work with packed arena wonders. They are in black as always, only this time designed by Jean-Paul Gaultier, and red shoes. Simple, similar lighting as Portugal. Apparently press center listened in dead silence the first run through of this very last entry this year to be rehearsed for the first time, and many hoping to be the winning onee (I wouldn't mind!) ending with a massive applause. Rather dark and simple. Some steadicam use. Dry ice.
Germany - Michael Schulte - You let me walk alone
Germany seems to have scored well with it's improved staging; a lot of close ups of Michael, screen graphics and powerful delivery. Seems they are the second country with home brought LED wall for the projections in black and white and red, the photos were submitted by his fans earlier this spring apparently. The duplicate image of Michael spreading his hands gets kinda psychedelic and disturbing but for the rest it looks pretty nice. At least they make the stage look very different from anyone else. Oh yes, you can't quite see it behind the LED wall, that's why... Casually dressed (for now?) and vocally strong. Did we witness some teary eyes, too? Some are putting Germany up there among winning candidates but let's not get over enthuastic here, maybe top-10 at best, right? And of course some opposite reactions: looks bad on stage.
"Stunning", "Phenomenal", "Emotional" "Much improved", "Incredible"
Italy - Ermal Meta & Fabrizio Moro -
Non mi avete fatto niente
"Convincing", "Powerful", "Effective", "Solid", "Fails to capture atteention", "Amazing"
"Simple", "Incredible effective", "Good but not instant", "A bit repetitive", "France aims to win", "Magnificient", "Stylish", "Elegant"