On December 31, 2016 their music videos will be revealed and there will be a preview programme on tv. I will be presenting the entries and artists one by one in the near future so stay tuned. And yes, there will be international juries as well in the final.....
5. Günther & D'Sanz - Love Yourself
(Mats Söderlund, Amir Aly, Tomas Cederholm,
Robin Abrahamsson, Niklas Nylund)
(Mats Söderlund, Amir Aly, Tomas Cederholm,
Robin Abrahamsson, Niklas Nylund)
6. Knucklebone Oscar & The Shangri-La Rubies: Caveman
(Baldauf, Martimo, Salomaa, Kumpulainen, Vettenranta, Bacher, Schönberg)
(Baldauf, Martimo, Salomaa, Kumpulainen, Vettenranta, Bacher, Schönberg)
8. My First Band - Paradise
(Antti Koivula, Heeikki Puhakainen, Heikki Kytölä,
Juha Vehmainen, Mikko Virta, Jurek Reunamäki)
(Antti Koivula, Heeikki Puhakainen, Heikki Kytölä,
Juha Vehmainen, Mikko Virta, Jurek Reunamäki)