The numbers are out and nicely filling the summer gaps in the news. Despite the economical situation and the changes in the music business Finnish music seems to be doing resonable well, at least the big names. The unthinkable of doing stadium gigs is no longer unthinkable when Cheek will have two sold out Olympic stadium gigs this summer and nine out of 10 best selling albums in 2013 in Finland are Finnish and in Finnish. If we count in the compilation albums of Tv-series Vain elämää (Only life or rather C'est la vie) it's a top-11 finish for Finnish music.
Robin: Boom kah 83.446 (multi platinum)
Teen sensation Robin continues to sell. Album features hits like Boom kah, Erilaiset and Onnellinen. he has just released a new song for the summer (promoting the use of condom btw, already a tradition in Finland) titled Kesärenkaat. I wouldn't be surprised if that will be added to the album that will be resold with new packaging :-)
Cheek: Kuka muu muka 73.836 (double platinum)
Cheek's success also continues, helped by the Vain elämää success. Includes hits like Timantit on ikuisia, Jossu, Kuka muu muka, Parempi mies and Fiiliksissä. he will be the first Finnish solo artist to perform in a sold out Olympic stadium in August. It was sold out in 71 minutes! Another gig was added and it sold out in.... 35 minutes! His popularity is immense.
Jenni Vartiainen: Terra 62.777 (double platinum)
Jenni proved she was not one album mega success babe and continued her string of hits with Junat ja naiset, Selvästi päihtynyt and Suru on kunniavieras. The media fuss around it as well as sales and radio play havent matched the success of Seili album though.
J. Karjalainen: Et ole yksin 44.584 (platinum)
J. Karjalainen: Et ole yksin 44.584 (platinum)
J's comeback to the pop-rock scene was a success and the album features hits Mennyt mies and Meripihkahuone. He has been around and in top since 1981 as singer-songwriter.
Juha Tapio: Lapislatsulia 42.624 (double platinum)
Solid success continues selling platinum the day of release. Vain elämää surely didn't do any harm to his career either. This album includes Paremmat päivät and TSNEH
One Direction: Midnight Memories 36.182
The only non Finnish album anywhere near the top sellers. Including Best song ever and Story of my life.
Haloo Helsinki!: Maailma on tehty meitä varten 32.594 (platinum)
They proved being the best selling Finnish band of the recent years. With hits Huuda, Vapaus käteen jää, Maailma on tehty meitä varten.
Suvi Teräsniska: Hän tanssi kanssa enkeleiden 29.921 (platinum)
Suvi Teräsniska: Hän tanssi kanssa enkeleiden 29.921 (platinum)
First of Suvi's two albums in Top-10, this one is a cover album of Yö's songs, including a classic Rakkaus on lumivalkoinen and Särkyvää, featuring Yö's lead singer Olli Lindholm.
Erin: Sä osaat! 27.954 (platinum)
Erin: Sä osaat! 27.954 (platinum)
Erin is no longer "ex-Nylon Beat" and has managed to have a credible solo career that this second album only made more solid. And Vain elämää made her wonders, if someone still didn't take her seriously. Including hits Ei taida tietää tyttö, Toiset mimmit and Älä tule hyvä tyttö.
Suvi Teräsniska: Pohjantuuli 26.582 (platinum)
Suvi Teräsniska: Pohjantuuli 26.582 (platinum)
Suvi's second album on this list. Including her Syksyn Sävel winner Täydellinen elämä.
Vain elämää - 2. kausi 97.220 (multiplatinum)
Vain elämää - 2. kausi jatkuu 82.847 (multiplatinum)
The two compilation albums of the season 2 of Vain elämää, where artists get together for a week, and each day is dedicated to one of them and other artists performs his/her songs. Cheek, Juha Tapio and Erin of these top sellers have already done it, and the rumor is Jenni Vartiainen, J.Karjalainen and Suvi Teräsniska are in the third series that will be recorded this month. The names of the artists will be published on June 9, but the specualtion in media is already running wild....
Bubbling under and just missing the top list are Lauri Tähkä and Vesa Matti Loiri, both also possible Vain elämää stars this season.... Check out the Season 1 songs here, and Season 2 here.More information on Vain elämää here.
(Numbers and stuff from this excellent blog.)
(Numbers and stuff from this excellent blog.)
UPDATE: The artists for season 3 are out: Vesa-Matti Loiri is in (but don't expect anyone doing a cover of Huilumies), so are Euroviisut veterans Samuli Edelmann and Paula Koivuniemi. Paula Vesala of PMMP, Jenni Vartiainen, UMK judge Toni Wirtanen of Apulanta and The Voice judge Elastinen complete the cast.