Chisu's first single off the second album Vapaa ja yksin was a funny little number Baden-Baden. The song earned her Emma award for the best song, as did the album for the best album and she also got the producer Emma - a first for a woman! She also won Muuvi award for the Video fo the year. And the Artist of the year award in Radio Gaala 2009. The single made it #3 only but stayed in top-20 for 22 weeks. There's three days left for illumination...
Mä pullotan mun kyyneleet ja myyn ne Saharaan/I bottle my tears and sell them to Sahara
Missä niitä tarvitsee tuo kuiva karu maa/where the dry deserted land needs them
Mun ideasta kuuli itse presidenttikin/Even president heard about my idea
Tuumi tässä ratkaisu ois vientiongelmiin/and thought this would solve the export problems
Tuotanto halpaa ois, on Suomi varsin masentunut maa/production is cheap, Finland is rather depressedMissä niitä tarvitsee tuo kuiva karu maa/where the dry deserted land needs them
Mun ideasta kuuli itse presidenttikin/Even president heard about my idea
Tuumi tässä ratkaisu ois vientiongelmiin/and thought this would solve the export problems
Ja Afrikan sijaan Euroopasta isommat rahat saa/and in Europe there are bigger money than in Africa
Siis pullotetaan kyyneleet/ so let's bottle the tears
Myydään ne Baden-Badeniin/sell them to Baden-Baden
Siis pullotetaan kyyneleet/ so let's bottle the tears
Myydään ne Baden-Badeniin/sell them to Baden-Baden