When you listen to the 40 songs selected for the UMK that replaces Euroviisut as the Finnish national selection for Eurovision song contest you can only wonder one thing: where is heavy rock? Listening the judges all late summer this blogger was expecting a lot wider variety in musical styles. Or rather fearing too many rap, hip hop, heavy and rock songs to make it through but instead what do we get? Rather middle of the road pop rock songs, a lot of acoustic stuff and ballads. A couple of disco pop songs and at least one real schlager... And a lot of female voices. None of the songs struck as an Eurovision winner with the first hearing - or even an UMK winner but who knows how things turn out before February 2012. And we have to remember in most cases these are just rough demos that will be rearranged and recorded if they proceed further.Nice misture of songs in Finnish and English, nearly half and half with one song in Swedish throuwn in for a good measure. No other languages are heard. There are some interesting songs and I will start presenting the songs on daily basis as of tomorrow.
Listen to the songs here.