Carola's 2006 Eurovision entry Evighet aka Invinvible seems to become a popular cover song for many artists. Latest is the Dutch version Laat mij voor jou de laatste zijn by Elz Bakker, hot in the charts in the Netherlands right now. In Canada Marcelle Alexis has done a French cover to be released on her worthcoming album. Previously Aiste Pilvelytè, the eternal national finalist in Lithuania, did Su tavimi. In Slovenia the song got treatment by DNE ft.Manika as Nepremagljiv and in homeground Tomas Andersson gave it a fantastic acoustic sound as Wij. And of course South Africans have done the Afrikaans version 'n Ewigheid - twice: Hi-5 and Juanita Du Plessis. Which one is your favourite? (Source: Eurocovers, a great blog!)