Belgium or rather RTBF starts its long selection for the 2011 Eurovision on October 1, 2010 in collaboration with AKAmusic. Belgian artists are invited to upload their entries into the website created for the occasion written by Belgian writers and performed in English or French (why not in Dutch may I ask?). Then the wannabes have until December 31, 2010 to collect 20.000 euros to from the visitors to produce the entry.... WTF? I'm a bit lost here now.... If I give say 200 euros to the song I like and it eventually wins will I also get 1% of the royalties? This all sounds a bit fishy to me and just yet another attempt to variate the on going fashion of internet selections.... let's see how long this fashion will last.... Thank God and Svante for the October 1 rule! Other wise we would be having these online selections going all year round.....