Hanna Pakarinen's new single Paperimiehen tytär was released today for radios. Surprisingly it is in Finnish! The single will be digitally released August 30, and the album with the same name will be out on October 20, 2010. Seems like Hanna's got a new style both in music and style. Meanwhile she has been doing one shot gigs here and there all summer with various bands and styles proving she's comfortable with almost any kind of music.She says the album feels like a debut album and has been in the working for a long time and in the secret. "Many people asked me why I don't sing in Finnish. I always thought that if I do I want to write it myself but I wasn't ready. And I'm stubborn. Last winter the first song was born and when listening it in the studio for the first time it was kind of shocking and I felt like "I did it!" and now the whole album is ready. It feels incredible and I am really satisfied with the result and so happy! And it feels so good I can talk about it now!