Despite being the first and only Swede todate not to qualify for the Eurovision final, Anna Bergendahl is nominated both the best female artist and the best newcomer in the Swedish Rockbjörnen awards. The other Melodifestivalen/Eurovision related nominees are Agnes (best female), Erik Saade (best male and best new comer), Ola (best male), Salem Al Fakir (best male) and The Ark (best live group). Three out of five best song nominees comes from Melodifestivalen: Manboy, Keep on walking and Unstoppable. The other two are Oscar Linnros's Från och med du and Mando Diao's Nothing without you. In the best foreign song of the year Lady Gaga rules with three out of five moninations: Bad romance, Alejandro and Telephone. The awards are given by the readers of Aftonbladet since 1979. Anna did beat both Erik and Salem in MF, let's see how it goes here!