... when I got this idea of starting a blog without having any idea what to do with it. Travel stories? Photos? Things and happening about Finland? Indeed, the first post was about the Athletics world champs in Helsinki then.... it took a couple of years before it turned into Eurovision and the rest, and has then grown from nothing to a blog with average 500-600 visits a day all year round with peaks of thousends (7.671 remains the record at the moment), nearly 425.000 visits since I added the counter a couple of years ago. Visitors from 184 countries so far, over 1.100 friends in Facebook... Quite a lot to handle on my own but as long as I have fun with it.... This is post number 3.463 and there's more to come.... (Ok, this comes a day late but hey, I was on holidays and completely forgot about the blog and Eurovision and all the rest and had my mind on aftersuns and beach towels instead!) Thank you all!