I have had my moment. That Moment when you think you are listening to the Eurovision winner. I had it with Fairytale when I first heard in the Norwegian semifinals. With Believe. With Molitva when I first heard it once the Serbian songs were out in 2007... . And I got it with This is my life. I might be completely wrong but we will see... At least it's Is it true? moment. In meantime she qualified directly to the final in Globen and if she wins there, too, we might be back there in 2011?. Noll Dicipline I didn't think would go to top-5 but was thinking Sibel or Lovestoned would take that last place but I got it rest right. Peter Jöback went to the final as expected and Pernilla and Neo meet again in Second chance round next week. This was all in all the best Swedish semifinal this year so SVT was saving the best for last and used some simple but very effective special effects but what was wrong with Måns jacket???