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Paola & Chiara closed the second night and will open the third night so they make a good headline photo for today. Because it's all furore, a positive one in Sanremo as Amadeus tops himself again and scored the best audience for the 2nd night since 1995 as well: 10.545.000 viewers in avergae the whole show, with a share of 62,3% . RaiPlay has broken all the record reaching 1,700.000 viewers, +74% compared to last year!
If Blanco caused chaos the first night on stage, last night it was Fedez from the cruise ship but let's concentrate on music. There was a lot of good music yesterday and tonight we will see and hear all the 28 songs again for a second judging, probably new looks and outfits and most likely someone who under performed before will shine bright, and the other way round. Because that's Sanremo. And new voters will make some major and many minor changes to the ranking.
Tonight's co-hostess with Amadeus and Gianni Morandi will be Paola Egonu, a volley ball player. 
The musical guest stars are Måneskin with Tom Morello, Eurovision veteran Peppino Di Capri, Massimo Ranieri again, this time as an actor and Sangiovanni who will sing with Morandi. And a few other artists - Annalisa from the outdorr stage and Guè Pequeno from the cruise ship.
Tonight the voting is 50/50 demoscopic jury/televote so expect a lot of changes in the ranking. Just and indication the top songs in streaming after the release:

#1 Due vite (1,320,229 streams)
#2 Supereroi (1,284,899)
#3 Alba (946,581)
#4 Due (929,458)
#5 L'addio (901,510)
#6 Duemilaminuti (751,142)
#7 Mare di guai (705,815)
#8 Mostro (633,213)
#9 Polvere (594,355)
Tonight's running order (and current ranking)

(14.) Paola e Chiara - Furore ****
Maybe not the best performance but the song grows. Black for them tonight.
I suppose they might climb a bit tonight.
(12.) Mara Sattei - Duemilaminuti **
I can't help thinking wondering how this would be sung by Damiano himself? 
This could drop tonight, or who knows? Maybe Måneskin fans will vote for her as well?
(9.) Rosa Chemical - Made in Italy ****
This is so camp and catchy, in Verka Serduchka style.
This will probably drop a lot tonight but I hope not.
(19.) Gianluca Grignani - Quando ti manca il fiato *
He sung this twice due some technical issues apparently. It didn't help. When you manca il fiato you are out of breath. But must pow to him throwing some shade on Blanco (20) (besides his flowers to the audience) by saying "I reacted this way because I'm 50 and thank Goodness not 20 anymore" Bravo!
I don't think he will climb a lot tonight, but then again he does have his fanbase.
(16.) Levante - Vivo **
Somehow I don't believe she's really living her erotic dreams on stage. She seems more scared than enjoying them. And the song convinces me even less tonight than yesterday. A bit forced.
I suppose her placing will remain pretty much as it is.
(4.) Tananai - Tango ****
I'm buying this more and more. He really plays the same game as Mengoni, similar lights, similar song with ten years less experience, less voice but still very touching. Those Mondays that never arrive. #SlavaUkraina
It will curious to see if Italians have taken on him as much as the media, but he deserves a good placing. For sure he won't be last this time!
(7.) Lazza - Cenere *** 1/2
Italian Eurofandom is already screaming him for Eurovision, but we'll see how wide his appeal is. Production by Dardust works as usual. This is modern easy listening mixing pop rap and catchy chorus and all sort of sounds. I'm not sure this is an Eurovision winner. Or rather... it is not. 
Oh, he plays the Mamma card by bringing his flowers to her. (Facepalm)
He's very popular so I suppose he could climb a bit and enter the Top5.
(24.) LDA - Se poi domani ***
Why he keeps the microphone in his nose? As said before this is the most dated banal Sanremo ballad but I have a softspot for this for some reason. I blame it on the piano. But to be honest, he's giving all he has.
I think he will sadly stay in the bottom-5 unless Napoletans back him full force.

Eight songs in one hour! We really are moving fast tonight but I suspect it's going to change soon.....
Indeed, enter Måneskin and they will entertain us now for awhile.....
Sanremo and Eurovision 2021 winners :-)

(3.) Madame - Il bene nel male ****
Why she looks like Måneskin's Thomas? Despite that this might be the festival and moment that makes her a real Big. This may be not my favorite song from her but this is mainstream enough to make her a household name. I suppose. 
I think she's going to stay in Top5 after tonight.

Morandi time to celebrate his first hit.... 60 years ago. With a modern twist with Sangiovanni. 
And then we move outside to watch Annalisa in the outdoor stage. And end up with two hours and nine songs only....

(10.) Ultimo - Alba **
He must be disappointed being onlu 10th, but no worries he will rise tonight and maybe a lot thanks to his fans. I find this song a bit anonymous, not different from  his other songs but without hook or climax.  He's really going for it knowing he must outdo himself to climb the ranking but it gets a bit shouty.... And for a foreigner who speaks Italian this feels a bit of course of grammar with all those verb forms.... stessimo... avessimo... saremmo... avremmo.....

Stop press! Apparently there's backstage cat fight between to artists, with initials A. and M. 

(5.) Elodie - Due ****
Let's see if she manages to stay in Top5 tonight. I hope so, good performance and the song sounds even better after further listenings, and I love how the conductor acts also as a backing singer. Great stuff. Lyrics, too. 
(17.) Mr Rain - Supereroi ****
Ok, the kids are a bit off for me in theory these kids are adorable and but this works, even with the broken angel wings. I like this, pretty melody and I already hummed this today at work not remembering what it is.... And this has been a streaming success. I suspect this will jump up tonight a lot, and I'm happy for it. 
(8.) Giorgia - Parole dette male ***
The super favorite didn't do her best job last night and is surprisingly low in the ranking. Tonight it might change as she has her fan base. I'm a fan but I'm not a fan of this song I must admit. And it makes me a bit sad. The audience doesn't agree with me, huge applause.

(13.) Colla Zio - Non mi va ** 1/2
The guys are less colorful tonight and I like them less also song wise. 
(1.) Marco Mengoni - Due vite *****
Tonight he gave an outstanding performance, even I as a fan was mesmerized and fell in love with the song if I had some reserves beforehand. Standing ovation in theater. And he continues with the leather look, this time in a vest rather than in a jacket. Fantastic. 
(2.) Colapesce Dimartino - Splash ****
This, like most songs sounds better tonight. This year it seems the songs need more listens to be understood, which promises good. The Battiato influence can be heard. And yes, this confirms as one of my favorites. Sicilians do it better. 
(6.) Coma_Cose - L'addio ***
The happy couple announced they will get married soon, so there's definitely no addios here.  But it's not a wedding yet as they both are in black. Also this one sounds now more familiar but is it getting better or falls into "just nice" category? I can't say yet. 
(11.) Leo Gassmann - Terzo cuore ***
Leo angered his stylist who explained on social medias she's not behind his style, no way! But the white  wife beater is a family trademark as some legendary photos of his father and grandfather are when wearing it, both famous actors. When you have it, flaunt it.Again a very relaxed and secure performance from him. He seems to be enjoying himself a lot. Good for him.
(15.) I Cugini di Campagna - Lettera 22 **1/2
Blue and green glitter for them tonight. This takes awhile before it gets going but then the chorus kicks in and it's actually quite enjoyable. Still not sure if they are the right performers for this one....
(23.) Olly - Polvere **
Playboy gangster look to start with with lilac shirt. Off goes the jacket along with his voice. He's not at his best tonight. Even with autotune. 
(26.) Anna Oxa - Sali (Canto dell'anima) **
Oxa's answer to critic and last place in the ranking: Learn language, grammar and gain some intelligence if it is too difficult to understand her lyrics and song. Oh dear. She sings maybe a bit better tonight but it's still not very enjoyable to be honest. It's hard to tell which sounds are accidents and which ones planned with her vocal acrobatics. Reminds me a bit of a teenager boy whose voice has broken and you never know what comes out ... The song it self isn't bad. 
(18.) Articolo 31 - Un bel viaggio **
Total red for the granny rappers remembering their youth when they were pretty and good. The result is heard a million times before and nothing original, something between Gemelli Diversi and Max Pezzali.
(20.) Ariete - Mare di guai ***
Ariete wears her trademark beanie again and now you can actually recognize her and mix up with other artists like Madame . The song is noce but a bit anonymous. Not sure if I remember nothing about it after but when listening I'm humming along.
(28.) Sethu - Cause perse *
He challenges Anna Oxa in vocals. I didn't get this song at all the first time around and this second doesn't help. No. 
(27.) Shari - Egoista **
Tight and red for her dress and Dolly Parton hairdo. Rather typical Sanremo semi ballad. It seems she sings better like most everyone tonight .
(22.) gIANMARIA - Mostro *
Total white and hair all over the place - wasn't Dyson one of the sponsor? Didn't they bring their hair stuff there at all?! And no, I just don't like his way of singing nor voice, sorry. The song isn't that good either. 
(21.) Modà - Lasciami **
A perfect Modà song, like they do. Like it or not. 
(25.) Will - Stupido ***
Casual but very nice outfir for poor Will who was last to sing. But he sings his song well and looks confident on stage. I'm warming up to this song more. During his performance he walks to the theater, steals someone's sunglasses and end the song with Buona notte. Good night indeed!

Ultimo won the televote, Mengoni the demoscopic jury and Ultimo won tonight's combined but Mengoni stays in lead including the first and second night.
The biggest climbers are Mr Rain (+14), LDA (+9), Ultimo (+8), Modà (+8), Gianluca Grignani (+7) whilte biggest droppers are Leo Gasmann (-8), Colla Zio (-7). Cugini di Campagna (-7), Colapesce Dimartino (-6), Mara Sattei (-6) Coma_Cose (-5), Levante (-5) and Elodie (-4).
Tomorrow night the ridiculous covers night . Ridiculous because its ranking will effect the final ranking even if they are singing different songs with guests and people will vote for their favorite cover songs and favorite guest artists - no matter about this year's Sanremo song. I don't get it.
I will never get it. 


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