Rumour of the day is that France is sending Shy'm. But hey, wasn't the rumour they would have a national final this year? Anyways, whatever. It's always nice to check on new artists. Shy'm or Tamara Marthe released her debut album in 2006 and scored five hit singles from it: Femme du couleur, Victoire, T'es parti, Oublie-moi and Rêves d'enfants. Three more followed from the follow up, La prèmiere fois, Si tu savais and Step back. Last year she released her third album and two singles have been released of it: Je sais and Je suis moi (sounds a bit egoistic this third one, doesn't it?) Her sounds seems to become poppier with each album. Time will tell will she follow Patricia Kaas and Jessy Matador.... Interestingly there haven't been the usual rumours with namedropping this year (yet)....