Sweden used to be Eurovision power but the last few years it has been struggling (18th, 18th, 21st doesn't really convince) and last year the unthinkable happened: Sweden didn't even qualify for the final! (Very unfairly me thinks, I loved Anna's entry and think it was one of the Sweden's finest ever) In 2008 Charlotte Perrelli's disastrous return as an ex-winner was saved only byt he jurys who picked her to the final. Fans love them every year and Melodifestivalen is the biggest thing there is but why aren't they voted anymore? Are they become too perfect? Too cold and calculated? So, what's wrong with Swedes? Or as they would put it: What's wrong with Europeans? Or is it just that music has changed while Melodifestivalen haven't? Enough that is. So now SVT is skipping the national jury groups replacing them with international jury groups. So, foreigners will decide and surely change the outcome and make Swedes go mad with fury. This is going to be fun! (And just think if it doesn't help??!!)