Jimi Constantine with his Party to party was the fan favourite and also considered in medias as one of the biggest favourites to win Euroviisut 2011. Instead the televoters turned their back on him and left him out of the final. This has caused some headlines in Finland (and finally people are talking about Euroviisut so in that way it is positive at least!) and speculation for the possible wildcard has started. Indeed it will be interesting to see if YLE grants him the wildcard and if so, how will he do in the final in that case!? And will he polish and turn down his performance? Irony in all this is he has been the one who has been doing a lot of PR not only to himself but to Euroviisut in general the past two months - which can't be said about any of the other artists - and seemed like taking it seriously, ready and willing to work hard for doing Finland proud in Germany. Will the party continue in February? And will the accusation of a bit too much alikeness to It's my life by Bonjovi have some effect? We will know next Friday....