Not only does Sanremo festival take over the Italian media in every way and push aside the political and economical troubles and Berlusconi's latest comments for a week, it's also what Melodifestivalen is for Sweden, or even more. Whereas the Swedes publish singles the Italian artists go for albums. Out of the 22 artists in the festival this year between Big and Giovani 17 will release a new album now or shortly after. Four of them goes for repackaging of their latest album with the Sanremo song(s) included. Only Daniele Silvestri is not planning a new album or whatsoever, instead he will release an EP with 4 songs. Almamegretta, Elio e Le Storie Tese and Marco Mengoni are still working on their coming albums and they will be released a bit later.
New albums:
Annalisa - Non so ballare
Simone Cristicchi - Album di famiglia
Chiara galiazzo - Un posto nel mondo
Max Gazzé - Sotto casa
Raphael Gualazzi - happy mistake
Marta sui tubi - Cinque - La luna e le spine
Modà - Gioia
Simona Molinari - Dr.Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
Maria Nazionale - Libera
Andrea Nardinocchi - Il momento perfetto
Irene Ghiotto - Irene Ghiotto
Renzo Rubino - Poppins
Ilaria Porceddu - In equilibrio
Antonio Maggio - Nonostante tutto
Malika Ayane - Ricreazione Sanremo edition
Il Cile - Siamo morti a vent'anni Special edition
Blastema - Lo stato in cui sono stato Sanremo version
Paolo Simoni - Ci volgio ridere su - Le parole edition
Daniele Silvestri
Still in the works:
Elio e le storie tese
Marco Mengoni