RAI has finally today confirmed that the Italian representative for the Eurovision 2013 in Malmö will be selected among the artists in Sanremo festival. The name will be revealed as usual the final night of the festival, Saturday February 16, 2013. RAI wants to specify that only the artist will be selected by a special jury, not the song. That will be decided later with the artist and the record label and whoever is involved in the selection. Just like last year with NIna Zilli.This blogger thinks the chosen name whether it is male, female or group will start with "M" but what do I know?
So it will be one of these: Almamegretta, Andrea Nardinocchi, Annalisa Scarrone, Antonio Maggio, Blastema, Chiara Galiazzo, Daniele Silvestri, Elio e le Storie Tese, Ilaria Porceddu, Il Cile, Irene Ghiotto, Malika Ayane, Marco Mengoni, Maria Nazionale, Marta sui tubi, Max Gazzé, Modá, Paolo Simoni, Raphael Gualazzi, Simona Molinari, Peter Cincotti, Renzo Rubino or Simone Cristicchi,