A couple of days have passed from the second Maltese semifinal but nothing was lost listening the songs a bit late. Glen Vella imitated badly Michael Jackson, Aldo Busuttil was the tenor of the evening but the song's not going anywhere and he struggled to keep it going at all. Claire Galea played the Patricia Kaas card and despite lacking her charisma delivered a rather nice 3 minutes. Claudia Faniello offered a rather chaotic pop song that many seem to like and talk as possible winner. I'm not so sure she will win this time either. (Will she eventually break Olivia Lewis's record?) Josef Tabone had rather catchy pop song but it's been heard so many times before with all its Na na nas and ooh ooh yeahs. At last Godwin Lucas & Eve Daily with their old fashioned Eurovision ballad. But no. I think and hope we still haven't heard the Maltese winner ...