So it's finally clear, Andorra is not taking part in Oslo 2010 for financial reasons. Such a shame as the Andorran songs haven't been as bad the result list might suggest: they debuted in 2004 with Marta Roure's Jugarem a estimar-nos and scored only 18th place in the semifinal. The year after Marian van de Wal's La mirada interior came 23rd in the semifinal, just like Jenny's Sense tu in 2006. In Helsinki 2007 the boyband Anonymous and their Salvem el món was considered a sure qualifier but no, 12th place in semifinal wasn't enough for a final and what an injustuce that was! In 2008 Gisela took Casanova 16th in semifinal and won the Barbara Dex award for the worst outfit. Last year Susanne Georgi's La teva desició (Get a life) also deserved a final place but no, 15th place only in the semifinal. Well, hopefully Andorra will return in 2011 and finally get to the final!