Albania kicked off its selection production for Eurovision on Christmas eve with Festivali I Këngës offering a lot of etcnic ballads and a few uptempo numbers, all with live orchestra. One can only wonder how the songs will turn out on studio versions (and in 3 minute version)! Previous winner Anjeza Shahini did a great job with her song but it might be just a bit too much drama for Europe. Teuta Kurti was one of my favourites (love that lonely piano) but the song's way too long and should be reworked for Eurovision in case of a win. Same goes for Kamela Islami. A very nice track (again with the lonely piano in the background!) with low spoken parts. Dorina Garuci offered an uptempo song that owed quite a lot to Charlotte's Hero in the first lines of the refrain. With a good remix this one could be a good choice for Oslo 2010. Maybe... Juliana Pasha seems to be some sort of a favourite but I find her songs simply boring. Denisa Macaj offers very Joksimovic sounding song and at that it is beautiful. Halilaj brings in the English language with a noisy annoying song. Hopefully the juries don't think it's what Europe will want from Albania this year! Era Rusi looks like she means business but the song's useless. Flaka Krelani surely makes the most of her song and might be fighting for the top places. Last but not least last year's winner Kejsi Tola who is a contender for a bis with her lovely ballad. And there were others, too, but they didn't provocate much attention - positive - in me so... On 27th we will know the winner.