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BlogIlkar Guest Review vol. 2

This blog's favourite multi-European fan Peter is up again with a review. This time about the Euroviisut 2010 songs. It's nice to see how we disagree and agree in perfect harmony! :-) You can also read Rafael De Alba's review here.

Well here we are again, another year when Finland is full of motivation to get another taste of Eurovision victory. Over the last few years there have been very inventive ways of picking a song that will appeal to a broad cross-section of Europeans. Finlands format is quite interesting and should produce a worthy winner for Finns, but will it be a song/singer combination that will appeal to Europe? Who knows? just another 5 months will tell. The following are my comments on the songs that have been chosen as this years finalists. While some of my comments may seem harsh, I do respect these people a lot for entering and being chosen for the finals, and wish them all the best of luck .... but only one can go to Oslo !

Amadeus - Anastacia
• Nice up beat opening, good beat, the attempt at being a greek entry doesn't really work !! Sounds like a mix between a Greek tragedy and a Chinese propaganda anthem - suffers from an incessently recurring theme which isn't much worth writing about - a forgetful melody - not a eurovision hopeful. (but still a good beat) 3
Nina Lassander - Cider Hill
• Beverly Hills 90201 here we come - oh no - it's a just a sweet melody. Nice touch with the zitar. Pleasant balad, but no real climax, a weak chorus. still a nicely constructed song - not a totally successful modulation (key change) - not the worst song, could get through to the final, maybe even has a chance of going to Oslo! 4,5
Bääbs - You Don't Know Tomorrow
• Dramatic opening, if a bit sparse. Original melody, good contrast of motifs, simple accompaniament which gives a solid foundation to the song. Some weakness at the 2 minute mark. The modulation is clear, but too repetitive. Should get to the final, probably won't go to Oslo. 4,5
Boys Of The Band (BOB) - America (I Think I Love You)
• Boys bands haven't had the greatest successes in Europe - remember D'Nash a few years ago ? The rock style will probably appeal to the Finns, but probably won't appeal across Europe - and the sending a song which proclaims love for America may not gain a lot of votes. Again this may make the final, possibly even Oslo, but not a Eurovision winner - it would be a risky choice !! 3,5
Pentti Hietanen - Il mondo è quì
• Flashback to the 80s, and why not have some Italian - a nice language choice, nice song, very traditional - don't expect this to get to the final, but would be a hit in a normal concert hall. 3,5
Monday - Play
• Good opening, gets straight into the melody. This will appeal to a wide range of listeners going by recent Finnish history. It's a strong song, I would expect it to get to the final and has a chance to go to Oslo. 4
Antti Kleemola - Sun puolella
• Nice song, sung with feeling (even a non-Finn can detect some emotion) - nicely sung, nice strong chorus, nice melody - I like it - good enough to be in the final - has a chance for Oslo, but I'm not sure. 4
Heli Kajo - Annankadun kulmassa
• "Tiri tiri tomba" type song (look it up in google) - a fresh approach to the style - playful, and pretty lively - could be a surprise and get to the final, but it won't go further !! 2,5
Sister Twister - Love At The First Sight
• Like the opening, fresh, lively. The song has a good melody, the only negative is the repetition and it can be a bit monotonus as there is little variation ! If this was a competition for a 1 minute song, it would win ! but it's not, and it won't ! 3
Veeti Kallio - Kerro mulle rakkaudesta
• Not a particularly great song, a bit boring actually - too little variation in the melody ! still though it has a good beat, is dramatic in parts, the climax is a bit disappointing. Will not be in the final, and certainly not in Oslo. 2
Maria Lund - Sydän ymmärtää
• what is this ? "Jungle Book" à les 1920s ??? not much to say ...... a non starter 2
Osmo Ikonen - Heaven Or Hell
• good opening, good beat, I could imagine a good staging for this, and it could come across well !! still though the song isn't the strongest . But who ever said the best song has to win ??? it might get to the final - but no further ! 3,5
Kuunkuiskaajat - Työlki ellää
• Love the opening, dramatic, original, fun, could come across very well. Another attempt at a southern European feel.... a nice sing along song, but won't get to the final ! 3
Linn - Fatal Moment
• Another rock type song, good opening, Linns voice isn't that strong. Sounds like a song that was thrown together from a lot of loose ends - not convinced that it's one coherent unit - had potential ... in the first 20 seconds ...... 2
Eläkeläiset - Hulluna humpasta
• A bit wacky, a bit crazy, a bit loopy, a bit impossible to see this get to the final ! 1

Prediction for the final
• Nina Lassander - Cider Hill
• Bääbs - You Don't Know Tomorrow
• Monday - Play
• Antti Kleemola - Sun puolella
• Osmo Ikonen - Heaven Or Hell
Winner ?
• Nina or Bääbs are my choices .....

BlogIlkar thanks Peter for the review and time will tell who gets it right.... :-)


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