Samantha Fox is back with a new single Tomorrow and a new album is coming, too. She gained fame as page 3 girl and huge booms, turned into a singer and scored 3 top-10 hits in 1986-1988: Touch me, Do ya do ya and Nothing's gonna stop me now, and made it big also with a Dusty Springfield cover I only wanna be with you. She has already participated in the UK selection in 1995 with Go for the heart as a girlband Sox, and also teamed up with Melodifestivalen participant Gunther in a remake of Touch me in 2004. Other twists of career include coming out as lesbian (actually in Finland it was when it was discovered in sauna with her female manager and... well, never mind!) and new born Christian. Her latest album, release is from 2005 when Angel with an attitude was released in Canada. She has also had time to do a Bollywood movie and various reality TV shows like Celebrity Wife swap. In the making is also a Blondie cover Call me with another star with boobs and 80's rival , Sabrina to be released shortly. Check them out here and here.