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Junior Eurovision live from Kyiv

I will try to blog about the event webcast permitting...

1. SWEDEN Mimmi looks a bit to grown up and sexy for JUNIOR Eurovision. With this song and looks she might have done the real thing as well. But it's an interesting song but maybe in a wrong place?
2. RUSSIA looks more her age and so does the rest of the group. She sings well and the song is catchy and much more JUnior than the adult version even if songs like this regularly still are in the national selections here and there most every year.
3. ARMENIA is rather annoying mixture of Ricky Martin and Ruslana that I don't care to listen ever again. So, propably it will win then...
4. ROMANIA is like Sweden very adult and a bit too sexy for my liking for Junior Eurovision. I mean if it was anywhere else it would be just a normal girlband performance but this is Junior Eurovision and that reminds me why I can't make myself like this JESC more, the line between adult and kid performances is so shaky. Not helped this year with Ani Lorak presenting with her boobs in the air...
5. SERBIA Ok, this is a kiddy song and she surely has a voice you can't easily forget... but is it good or original? No.
6. GEORGIA Those princesses come out sweet and cute and talented and not sexy, which is the point here I would like to suppose. The song's a children's song, happy and sweet. I'd rather see this winning than Armenia or something like that for sure...
7. THE NETHERLANDS is clearly the best so far in every criteria. He sings and performs a song that suits his age, and that the kids of his age will like. This song could be a hit like Belguim last year. And this is also a song I could listen to also after tonight.
8. CYPRUS also falls to the category "too old looking and sounding". Straight from the real thing, and not even very good one, neither the song or her. Unfortunately.
9. MALTA I'm soon gonna start worrying about the Maltese image; after 3 times Chiara we have Double Trouble. The song is very annoying but they perform well, make a very weird couple and do have voices....
10. UKRAINE I'm allergic to this kind of wonderkids. He has a voice no doubt but I cannot stop thinking pushing parents and lost childhood and all that stuff.... Besides the song's like a Russian horror soap theme.
11. BELGIUM this is what this contest is about: kids looking and acting their age singing songs that fit them, are a bit childish and funny. I vote this a million times over Ukraine and Romania for example. The yoddling even fits in nicely. Go Belgium!
12. BELARUS. Read Ukraine. Just worse.
13. FYR MACEDONIA is also way too old sounding and looking for this contest. I guess that's why this contest won't really ever make it as the idea just won't work when it's so in between. The song's kinda nice though and she's kinda good, too but nothing original in any way.

Well, while waiting for the results I can say I usually hate the winning songs and get it all wrong here. Except last year when I was kinda happy for the winner but that's all. If the Netherlands, Belgium win, or even Russia or Georgia I'm ok I guess. If Ukraine or Belarus I might skip next edition all together... I now fully understand why the Nordic coutries have withdrawn - with the exception of Sweden that returned this year (only) - as when you compare to this to the Nordic MGP it's very evident which one is made for kids with kid's terms and which one is not. Nordic MGP 2010 is next week by the way in Stockholm....

No wonder half the girls are in sexy miniskirts, auntie Ani shows example with I'm alive and Shady Lady :-) Oh no, now she has an army of minisluts on stage!!!

In the midway of voting it looks like justice is taking place here, too, and west is taking over again when it deserves it. Just like in the real thing...


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