No, not the Swedish one but one of the greatest Finnish singers ever, Carola Standertsköld-Liemola who died this day in 1997 at the age of 56 of Alzheimer's. She started singing in 1962 and soon was scoring big hits like Kielletyt leikit, Nuori tumma, Rakkauden jälkeen and Mä lähden stadiin together with Lasse Mårtenson, who also penned her first Euroviisut song Ge mig en grabb in 1965. She was back in Euroviisut 1966 with Meren laulu and tried for the third and last time in 1971 with Ei koskaan (with Aarno Raninen). In 1970's she scored other hits like Herrojen kanssa pellonlaidassa, Penkki, puu ja puistotie (Un banc, un ambre, une rue) and Rakastan saavuthan (Aprés toi). She took then a break but returned in the 1980's with two more albums, including hits Sydämeen jäi soimaan blues and Maria, Maria. She had one of the finest voices ever, singing also jazz and blues, chancons like La mamma, and latin influenced material like Agua de beber and Perfidia and jewish songs Hava nagilah. She was also a very international Finn at those times, living and studying most of her youth abroad, including Switzerland and Spain singing in various languages: Finnish, Swedish, French, Spanish, Portuguese and even English like in Mohair Sam. She also toured all over Europe with various bands before settling in Finland and starting her recording career here. More Carola songs here.