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The past 24 hours in the Eurovision bubble have been the wildest ever and I think I have never waited for the final to start this much in all decades I have been watching! I try to collect all pieces in random order - making it chronological at this point would be impossible already when checking news from social media and official news lets.  

Joost Klein and the Netherlands have been disqualified from tonight's final. EBU stated:
"We have zero tolerance policy against inappropriate behaviour at our events and work to have a safe working environment for all employees."
He already was absent in both yesterdays dress rehearsals. AVROTROS stated:
"We have taken not of the disqualification by the EBU. AVROTROS finds the disqualification disproportionate and is shocked by the decision. We deeply regret this and will come back to this later."
The broadcaster is fully backing Joost so this won't end here. Also, what if the police comes to conclusion there was no crime? Then what?


Update: AVROTROS Director General gave a statement they offered the EBU to prevent disqualification that Joost would publicly apologize and there would be talk between all parties, and the EBU and AVROTROS would share a statement. Camera woman does not want any contact with Joost and AVROTROS. 

So, what has really happened? First it was rumored Joost had physically abused a female photographer, a SVT employer. Then, almost 36 hours later after the news had made the headlines all over Europe it was said it wasn't physical but verbal threads and/or inappropriate behavior. At the same time all over the social medias there's talk about Israeli delegation harassing the participants (there are many videos) and press from the beginning. They have targeted most of all Irish and Dutch artists, who have been very openly pro-Palestine. There's also a Spanish journalist who would have a word or two.

When the announcement came of disqualification came in the members of Israeli media started cheering.

The start of the international rest of the world voting was delayed while waiting for the decision.

Ireland's Bambie Thug didn't participate in today's last dress rehearsal. They stated:
"There was a situation while we were waiting to go to stage for the flag parade rehearsal which I felt heeded urgent attention from the EBU - the EBU has taken this matter seriously and we have veen in discussion about what action needs to be taken. This means I have missed my dress rehearsal - I am really sorry to the fans that have come to see me. I hope to see you on the stage tonight."

Also Bambie Thug called on EBU to address Kan's commentary during her performance (don't know if these two things are the same or different matters). Contending that the commentary breached the rules they said Israel should no longer be allowed to participate in the contest. The Kan commentators really said nasty things about Bambie Thug and the performance. 

Also Switzerland's Nemo aand Greek Marina Satti were missing from the flag parade but did perform their songs. 

Norwegian spokesperson Alessandra Mele, last year's 5th placed act in Liverpool, has withdrawn herself from giving the Norwegian jury votes citing the inflamed situation: 
"United by Music is the reason I do music. But right now those words are just empty words. Free Palestine!"

Finland's Käärijä followed later tonight with:
"I have decided not to participate as the spokesperson for the Finnish juryin tonight's Eurovision final. Giving out the votes tonight does not feel right." 

Portugal's Iolanda made a pro-Palestine statement: 
"Since the beginning I already defended the cause that I believe in: a free Palestine, non-violance and peace."

Luxemburg's Tali's comment to disqualification: "It's for the best." She's very alone with that comment.

Käärijä posted a broken heart emoji on his social medias. He's friends with Joost and they have even recorded a duet together, yet unreleased.

Ukraine has added Israel's  Russian born artist into their infamous database of pro-Russian enemies for her support of the Annexation of Crimea and appearance of Russian Tv shows.

Life long fans of Eurovision are getting very sad how Eurovision has turned in a few past years and this year seems to be the icing on the cake for many. United by music? Not anymore.

The Dutch are the third biggest group of audience in the arena

Apparently last night a disaster was knocking on EBU's door as delegations from Ireland, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Portugal reportedly considered withdrawing from the contest, according Norwegian newspaper VG. The meetings lasted until late night.

In the last dress rehearsal France's Slimane instead of going to the acapella bit of his song gave a heartfelt speech instead:
"When I was a child, I dreamed of music. I dreamed about this dream - to be a singer, to sing about peace. We must be United by Music, yes, but with love and peace. Everyone wants to sing their song but they want to be united by love and peace."

In the meantime protest continue to spread through Malmö and expected to grow towards the evening. And the delegations get more tense and the atmosphere inside the bubble is apparently anything but serene and happily waiting for tonight's final. Hopefully there won't be any more absences and surprises and we will have all remaining 25 delegations on stage tonight.

The horror scene for most everyone tonight is Israel wins. Judging the leaked Italian televote it could well happen with Kalush Orchestra/Käärijä like televote. The juries really must put Israel down but if they're professional doing what they should do how could they: She sings and performs well, the song is solid. If Israel wins, then what? Eurovision in 2025 in Israel - who's going to participate? Eurovision 2025 somewhere else with Israel ... where? 

Acording SVT there's a crisis meeting with EBU going on when writing this at 6pm, given the strong reactions provoked after the disqualification of Joost Klein.

And just to fair it must be said Joost Klein is strongly anti-Israel but he has released a song after  Russia started the war in Ukraine with lyrics "I am Joost Klein, I love Russia, I want a Russian woman, I want Russian Babies." On top of that he went to perform in St.Petersburg just few weeks after the Bucha Massacre. 

Loreen is rumored not to willing the give the trophy to Israel. Should Israel win she'd just bring the trophy on stage and leave before the Israeli singer enters the stage.....

Portuguese broadcaster RTP confirmed moments ago in a live broadcast that Portugal was part of the emergency meeting with the EBU last night. Also confirms that the delegation saw the Israeli team harassing other contestants/delegations

Its official. The EBU confirmed with multiple delegations that the Israeli Broadcaster had broken Eurovisions rules of conduct on Tuesday and Wednesday. Yet, no action has been taken by the EBU aginst the Israeli delegation for this

The Dutch commentator has indirectly confirmed it was Keren Peles, who filed the complaint after illegally filming Joost. He noted another incident happened with this lady where she filmed him against his wishes. Keren Peles is the songwriter for Israel. Well, didn't we all kinda already know he was involved somehow?

Meanwhile in Finland we are just happy we didn't win after all last year. What a blessing in disguise.


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