23 points and last in its semi-final, third to last or 39th/41 overal if you count all the songs. That's a big slap in face to YLE and UMK who propably hoped they were 11th in their semi. Most remarkable is Finland got only 23 points when the second to last in its semi, Montenegro, got the double: 46. Finlang got points from the juries: Greece 4, Spain 2, Australia 2 and Poland 1. And from televoters: 12 Estonia (and we all know these are mainly from Finns staying in Estonia), and 2 from Iceland. Not really worth celebrating, is it? How Finns voted? No surprise the televoters 12 went to Iceland, followed by 10 to Norway ( Monsters scandal well forgotten then, or was it because the past few days it was told everywhere and even several times during the broadcast that a Finn Henrik Tala is in it?), Estonia 8, Sweden 7, Australia 6, the Netherlands 5, Russia 4, Italy 3, Switzerland 2 and Slovenia 1 (!!!). Finns have no right to complain and talk about neighbouring voting. Th...