The incredible (and deserved) success of Vain elämää continues. The album has become the most sold album of the 2000's in Finland with over 160.000 albums sold so far! That's 8xplatinum! And that's not all, this Friday sees the release of a follow-up 2-cd Vain elämää jatkuu including rest of the songs performed in the series. And after Christmas the stars Katri Helena, Jari Sillanpää, Cheek, Erin, Kaija Koo, Jonne Aaron and Neumann will give a sold out concert in Barona Arena in Espoo. Meanwhile the single songs are dominating the single's charts.... This follow up includes Kaija Koo's cover of Katson sineen taivaan, Jonne Aaron's L'oiseau et l'enfant and Katri Helena's Valkeaa unelmaa. A must have!