This morning we had five semifinalists rehearsing for the second time and one must sat they all improved their acts. Georgia and Turkey even so much that I almost like them! But of course we all waited for the Big5 and Azerbaijan to take the stage. Surprisingly simple acts and backdrops they all had, except Azerbaijan but that was to be expected, the host country always puts an extra effort. A clever play of lights but unfortunately the song remains what it is. Germany, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom were all simple and effective, but France goes the other way from the less is more way of thinking.... You can read about my firt impression by scrolling down.
Robert was busy as well and you can read his interview with Donny Montell here, Joan Franka here and Ivi Adamou here. Last night there was a big Nordic party and you can read a round up (from Iltalehti) here. There Loreen tells about her love for Finland, Tooji kisses Pernilla while she hits it of with Jónsi! And tonight everybody's at the official opening party. More about that tomorrow!
In Finland the media concentrated, as very year, to remind us of all our last places, zero points and general failures. Would some media surprise me one year by concentrating on the times it went better instead? I guess not, it's not cool.
And now that la Zilli has arrived it's proper to show that Zilli is a known name in Baku and Azerbaijan as you can see from the picture (by Eddy Anselmi) above!
And tomorrow the rest of the semifinalists and the Big5+1 will rehearse for the second time. And then folks, from Monday it's the dress rehearsals already! Stay soul!
And tomorrow the rest of the semifinalists and the Big5+1 will rehearse for the second time. And then folks, from Monday it's the dress rehearsals already! Stay soul!