When is the last time we have a winner with such a low score? The lowest since 2003, before the semifinal system. Besides that if you look in detail Azerbaijan got only three times the full 12 points: from Malta, Russia and Turkey. Five times 10 from Croatia, Moldova, Romania, San Marino and Ukraine. And finally 10 times 8 points - talk about compromise! On the other hand twelve (12) countries didn't vote Azerbaijan at all: Bulgaria, Denmark, FYR Macedonia, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom and not surprisingly Armenia. Even Sweden gave them only 3 points. What does that tell? (Finland gave 5 points)
Italy that came second againt all predictions and odds got points from all but 12 countries as well. Four full marks, five times 10 and once 8. Anyways, that should make RAI happy - the same way iceland was happy for the second place in 2009 - and make them return also next year. Or will they? More about the Italian media reaction, the commentators and the fan outrage a bit later... stay tuned!
Sweden was left pointless in 11 countries. It scored twice full points, seven times 10 and no country placed it third. So in short the top-3 countries apparently were either liked a lot of ignored completely.
In all twenty (20), I mean TWENTY countries got at least once 12! How spread is that??? Finland from Norway, Lithuania from Georgia and Poland (she is Polish), Hungary from Finland, Greece from Cyprus (he is Cypriot), United Kingdom from Bulgaria, Moldova from Romania (no comment), Romania from Italy and Moldova (no comment either), Austria from Germany, Slovenia from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iceland from Hungary, Spain from France and Portugal (sigh...),
But who I to say? Finland got its biggest points from neighbours Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Estonia and Sweden.
Both Finnish tabloids have a poll in their website "Did the right song win?" and Iltalehti has 91% no answers, Ilta-Sanomat 79%.
Both Finnish tabloids have a poll in their website "Did the right song win?" and Iltalehti has 91% no answers, Ilta-Sanomat 79%.