Milva (71) says addio for live performances and maybe artistic life altogether. Non conosco nessun Patrizio, an album recently released in collaboration with Franco Battiato will be propably be her last album even if she leaves the door a little open for further recordings but she's done with live performances. "My voice isn't anymore as it was. I'm 71 and have been singing for 52 years non stop. My voice and body can't stand the physical effort it takes to stage a concert." Milva has had a great career in Italy and most of all abroad from Corea to Argentina, from Germany to Japan. She has recorded in seven languages, about 100 albums, three of them with Franco Battiato. The latest and last includes one new song, the title track, and covers and new versions of her previous Battiato songs and Battiato's own songs like Le aquile (previously covered also by Alice) and Segnali di vita. (The album's cover photo is taken by Battiato himself in a beach in the 1980's)