Rai has published the Sanremo 2019 Giovani entries. With a quick listen through this blogger didn't quite find anything to be extremely excited about but below you can see my pick of those 24 entries that got my attention for more than 30 seconds for a reason or another. I don't usually agree that much with the jury that will pick up the 24 for the shows also because they have to keep in mind to get some variety and balancee between male/female/groups - or so I wish they do! If half of these make it to the tv I consider it a success for me ;-p
You can listen to all entries HERE. Two of these artists will be selected in a prime time tv show in December to join the Big category and could become Italy's Eurovision song contest 2019 entrant. However, they must present in Teatro Ariston in Sanremo with a new song come February...
Andrea Biagioni - Alba piena
Andrea Vigentini - Magari
Cordio - La nostra vita
Einar Ortiz - Centomila volte
Federica Abbate - Finalmente
Federico Angelucci - L'uomo che verra
Forlenzo - Non canto jazz
Fosco17 - Dicembre
Jole - La turista e il gondoliere nelle sfere di vetro con neve
La Rua - Alla mia età si vola
La Zero - Nina è brava
Laura Ciriaco - L'inizio
Le Ore - La mia felpa è come me
Liberamenti - Datemi spazio
Loomy - Coriandoli
Mahmood - Gioventú bruciata
Maria - L'amore non si cancella
Miriam Masala - Ops
Nico Arezzo - Gorilla
Nyvinne - Io ti penso
Sarah Dietrich - Per venirti a cercare
Seba - Cuore bomba innescata
Tr3ntan9ve - Lowcost
Vittorio Sisto - Oltre