And here some more.
Azerbaijan - Ell & Nikki - Running scared ****
Just like last year Azerbaijan hires the songwriters from Sweden and if last year's entry had a singer with questionable live singing capacities we need not to worry about that as both Ell and Nikki, or Eldar Qasimov (22) and Nigar Jamal (31) both can sing and work nicely despite my initial doubts how they would sound and look together. And this song is stripped off the main problem with Drip drop: over production. Pleasant entry, memorable in some way. Qualifier: Yes!
The Netherlands - 3JS - Never alone ***
This would have got four stars from me if kept in Dutch. I love the sound of Dutch. To tell the truth there isn't really so much difference with the English version but Dutch made it more exotic, so to speak. Anyways, this is a very nice song, rather catchy and radio friendly, one of the best songs this year but maybe it will be a bit lost in the crowd? Will get people all over Europe to vote for it is another matter. I hope they will. Qualifier: A big maybe.
Malta - Glen Vella - One life ***
I cannot listen this without thinking about Albania last year. That said the song fits Glen very well and has its catchiness. And he surely is giving his all. The song has a message. But despite all that I'm not sure if this song deserves to be in the final, it is a long three minutes. Qualifier: With some luck.