Marion, who will be 64 on December 7 has a long and succesful career behind her. Several international festivals, including 7th place in Eurovision 1962 with Tipi tii and 6th place in 1973 with Tom tom tom and two wins in the Intervision/Sopot festivals 1974 with Uskon lauluun and 1980 with Hyvästi yö. She also won Syksyn Sävel 1979 in Finland with Rakkaus on hellyyttä. She also had a taste of international career in mid-late 1970's with hits like Senorita por favor and El Bimbo. She also did an album in the UK called Love is... She has also recorded many Eurovision covers, including Ey-sham, Hallelujah, Disco tango, Pas pour moi and recently performed Se på mig. In the 2000's it's been quiet in the recording studio but in 2004 she recorded this great track Kuin tulisit kaukaa written by Kaija Kärkinen & Ile Kallio (ESC 1991). Here she is on stage with the other ladies with a medley of Juice Leskinen's songs. Viidestoista yö that starts at 2.45 is maybe my ultimate favourite track from her, originally from live album Marionin konsertti where she really makes wonders with it! Another fantastic project of two albums she has done is the traditional jewish songs like Mirjamin valssi. And she no stranger to some anti-war songs like La riva bianca, la riva nera either. Well, I could go on and on but let's stop here: Marion is fab!